WELL! I'm so excited for Elder Brennen Horton and his final days coming down here! HA! I am actually flipping out, I wrote it down in my year agenda his last week and day, and plane home and yea. MY GOODNESS! I remember the day he left! It was like YEA BYE! Oh wait, I have my ONE WAY TICKET HOME BOUGHT! Are you kidding me?
Wonderful. Just ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTFUL! SO yea, I may be leaving my area next week. And going to paraguay. I keep telling everyone that so if I don't go its just going to be like... Oh. That will be funny. I would actually love to stay here in Monte Carlo. The members are so nice to me..
WE FOUND A LEGIT COUPLE THIS PASSED WEEK! So some people moved into our building in the commercial department on the first floor. And we came in and said hi and bought stuff to show them HEY WE ARE COOL! LET US TEACH YOU THE GOSPEL! And maybe it worked because a few days later as we had passed by them like everyday (not like inside but just waving as we passed by) WE FOUND THE MAN! He was sitting outside, it was like9:30pm and I stopped. Right in front of him and we talked a little, and he said HEY COME TEACH ME THE GOSPEL! And so I was like YES! I CAN DO THAT! And yea.
Thats a thing. So we passed by the next day in the afternoon, and HE IS A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS! Excuse me, WAS a Testigo de Jeovah. And if you don't know about them, they know the scriptures very well! Just not in the right way... So I was like OH SHOOT! HES GOING TO WRECK US! And the first question he asks is: So do you guys believe in Jesus Christ?....................... .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................y es............................ .............................. .............................. .............................. .............
And after we cleared that up he was like, WHAT IS YOUR BELIEF TOWARDS THE TRINITY! 3 SEPARATE GODS! YEAAAAAA!
ANd I was flipping out the whole time because he is the FIRST MAN ON THIS EARTH WHO HAS ASKED ME THAT FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION! Everyone else is worried about nonsense while this enlighten gentle-man was influenced by God to come LIVE IN OUR HOUSE! HOW MUCH CLOSER CAN YOU GET!?
God literally said HERE YA GO! TEACH 'EM, BAPTIZE 'EM!
I probably won't be here for his and his wife's baptism. BUT YEA! (and his wife asked even more fundamental questions about marriage, and the sacrament... absolutely beautiful were the lessons)
SO yea, that's my life currently. I bear testimony of Jesus Christ, and the power of deliverance He gave to His Father. We will all be handed the key out of this little round ball, and you can hold onto it, or reject it. HOLD ON TO IT!
Impressions of Monte Carlo:
There are a group of young men that come to play on our soccer field at the church. The only problem is that they jump the fence and are not members. So I came up to all of them one day (think about little me and Elder Ayala walking up to like 30 men of ages 16 - 30) And I told one of them to gather everyone over to me. (I must have some authority or something
) And I made a compromise with all of them. LET ME TEACH YOU THE GOSPEL, and I will let you play here. So yea, I have like 30 more investigators that I got in less that 10 minutes.
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